Giving Thanks

It's November! My favorite time of the year for so many reasons. Firstly, I love the fall with the beautiful rich colors and the crisp feel in the air, and the cooler nights make for comfort food, a warm bath, a hot fire in the fireplace and a good nights rest.

Another reason I love this time of year is that it's a time of endings; The leaves are turning yellow and red and will eventually die and fall to the ground that is turning brown. The days are shorter, and the nights are longer. So, it's time to hunker down, rest, and renew. And, finally, I love to wear warm, thick sweaters!

It's also a time to be grateful and to celebrate with family (if you like your family) and friends. To come together without the stress of exchanging gifts. It's a time to be in gratitude and equanimity.

It can also be a challenging time of the year for some. The holidays can be triggering, lonely and isolating. So if you know anyone who might need a little love, take a moment and reach out, say hello, and check to ensure they have what they need. It means a lot to do a little.

It is also the time of year to switch up your skincare wardrobe. As the days are crispy and the nights are cold, you will want to consider a richer moisturizer and serum like Creme Royale and Huile Reparatrice.

It's also an excellent time to use hydrating facial masks and exfoliate less. Be aware of the water temperature; too hot can irritate dry winter skin, so adjust accordingly.

Use a warm air humidifier to help bring moisture to your skin at night. And sleep on your back to help your skincare seep in and nourish your skin as you rest and renew.

Take internal oils like fish oil, evening primrose, or borage seed to help lubricate your skin barrier from the inside out.

Invest in a medical-grade hyaluronic acid, like Complexions Couvet de Rosée, and layer, layer, layer.

Have a wonderful holiday, eat well, rest your body and give thanks for everything and everyone you have.




Everything in between OCTOBER